Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Portrait Unveiling Ceremony

 Judge Michael M. Baylson. 2015 Oil on linen, 42 x 36 in.
I recently completed this portrait commission for the Historic Society of America, Dis­trict Court for the Eastern District of PA.
The honorable portrait unveiling cer­emony look place at the 3810 United States Courthouse in Philadelphia on Friday, April 15, 2016. The portrait will remain in the Federal Court building.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

My Evening Class: Draperies and Texture in Still Life

Last fall semester my students from an evening class "Still Life Painting", that I teach at Studio
Incamminati, learned the basic painting concepts while working on their individual still life arrangements.

     The class began with a lecture about basic laws of composition.  Students learned how to build simple still life arrangements from several simple objects and draperies.

Some examples of student's grisaille
     After executing thumbnails, value and color studies, they begun exploring still life painting process step by step.  Preliminary studies were used as a reference during as students worked on their final paintings.

     During the first painting stages artists stayed focused on making an accurate drawing and proportions. They learned to see the still life as a group of abstract shapes. 

     The larger-to-smaller shape principle was observed as students moved through this process. 

Example of student's color block-in
     As students arrived at a full color block-in stage, they studied the value and color relationships and learned to render various textures. 

     In final stages they learned to determine a focal point and edge relationship.

Example of student's color block-in

     There are still spots available in my evening class Draperies and Texture in Still Life, that will begin on January 13, 2016

Class schedule: 
Wednesdays from January 13 till March 23, 2016
Time: 6 p.m.– 9 p.m. Tuition: $399
NOTE: No class Jan. 27, 2016

To sign up for class, please use this link:

Questions or comments, click here:

Student's work in progress